Welcome to the AaronTools Documentation!#

AaronTools is a Python module for facilitating many tasks in computational quantum chemistry workflows


If you use the Python AaronTools, please cite:

V. M. Ingman, A. J. Schaefer, L. R. Andreola, and S. E. Wheeler “QChASM: Quantum Chemistry Automation and Structure Manipulation” WIREs Comp. Mol. Sci. 11, e1510 (2021)

Overview of Features#

These are some of the more popular features in AaronTools, with links to the relevant command line scripts or Python API.

Data can be processed from several popular quantum chemsitry software packages including Gaussian, ORCA, Psi4, and xTB.

Steric Parameters#

Sterimol parameters#

Buried Volume#

Steric Maps#

Ligand Solid Angles#

Ligand Cone Angles#

Structure Operations#

Add/Modify Substituents#

Swap Ligands#

Fetch by Name/SMILES#

Generate Coordination Complexes#

Quantum Chemistry Setup and Processing#

Making Input Files#

Parsing Data#

Free Energy (RRHO, Quasi-RRHO, Quasi-Harmonic)#

Vibrational Frequency Analysis#

Valence Excitations#

Orbital Data#

ChimeraX Plugin#

The majority of these features are also available with a graphical interface in the SEQCROW plugin for ChimeraX.


A Perl implementation of AaronTools is also available here. However, users are strongly urged to use the Python version since it has far more powerful features and, unlike the Perl version, will continue to be developed and supported.

Indices and tables#