usage: [-h] [-o OUTFILE]
                        [-t {transmittance,absorbance,vcd,raman}] [-na]
                        [-p {pseudo-voigt,gaussian,lorentzian,delta}]
                        [-m VOIGT_MIXING] [-fwhm FWHM] [-s POINT_SPACING]
                        [-l LINEAR_SCALE] [-q QUADRATIC_SCALE] [-nr]
                        [-sc CENTERS] [-sw WIDTHS] [-r RANGES] [-fw FIG_WIDTH]
                        [-fh FIG_HEIGHT] [-csv EXP_DATA [EXP_DATA ...]]
                        [-w {electronic,zero-point,enthalpy,free,quasi-rrho,quasi-harmonic}]
                        [-sp SP_FILES [SP_FILES ...]] [-temp TEMPERATURE]
                        [-w0 W0] [-rx]
                        files [files ...]

plot a Boltzmann-averaged IR spectrum

positional arguments:
  files                 frequency job output file(s)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTFILE, --output OUTFILE
                        output destination
                        if the file extension is .csv, a CSV file will be written
                        Default: show plot
  -t {transmittance,absorbance,vcd,raman}, --plot-type {transmittance,absorbance,vcd,raman}
                        type of plot
                        Default: transmittance
  -na, --harmonic       force to use harmonic frequencies when anharmonic data is in the file
  -s POINT_SPACING, --point-spacing POINT_SPACING
                        spacing between each x value
                        Default: a non-uniform spacing that is more dense near peaks
  -nr, --no-reverse     do not reverse x-axis
  -fw FIG_WIDTH, --figure-width FIG_WIDTH
                        width of figure in inches
  -fh FIG_HEIGHT, --figure-height FIG_HEIGHT
                        height of figure in inches
  -csv EXP_DATA [EXP_DATA ...], --experimental-csv EXP_DATA [EXP_DATA ...]
                        CSV file containing observed spectrum data, which will be plotted on top
                        frequency job files should not come directly after this flag
  -rx, --rotate-x-ticks
                        rotate x-axis tick labels by 45 degrees

peak options:
  -p {pseudo-voigt,gaussian,lorentzian,delta}, --peak-type {pseudo-voigt,gaussian,lorentzian,delta}
                        function for peaks
                        Default: pseudo-voigt
  -m VOIGT_MIXING, --voigt-mixing VOIGT_MIXING
                        fraction of pseudo-Voigt that is Gaussian
                        Default: 0.5
  -fwhm FWHM, --full-width-half-max FWHM
                        full width at half max. of peaks
                        Default: 15 cm^-1

scale frequencies:
  -l LINEAR_SCALE, --linear-scale LINEAR_SCALE
                        subtract linear_scale * frequency from each mode (i.e. this is 1 - λ)
                        Default: 0 (no scaling)
                        subtract quadratic_scale * frequency^2 from each mode
                        Default: 0 (no scaling)

x-centered interruptions:
  -sc CENTERS, --section-centers CENTERS
                        split plot into sections with a section centered on each of the specified values
                        values should be separated by commas
  -sw WIDTHS, --section-widths WIDTHS
                        width of each section specified by -sc/--section-centers
                        should be separated by commas, with one for each section

x-range interruptions:
  -r RANGES, --ranges RANGES
                        split plot into sections (e.g. 0-1900,2900-3300)

energy weighting:
  -w {electronic,zero-point,enthalpy,free,quasi-rrho,quasi-harmonic}, --weighting-energy {electronic,zero-point,enthalpy,free,quasi-rrho,quasi-harmonic}
                        type of energy to use for Boltzmann weighting
                        Default: quasi-rrho
  -sp SP_FILES [SP_FILES ...], --single-point-files SP_FILES [SP_FILES ...]
                        single point energies to use for thermochem
                        Default: energies from INFILES
  -temp TEMPERATURE, --temperature TEMPERATURE
                        temperature (K) to use for weighting
                        Default: 298.15
  -w0 W0, --frequency-cutoff W0
                        cutoff frequency for quasi free energy corrections (1/cm)
                        Default: 100 cm^-1