
usage: averageSterimol.py [-h] [-if {log,out,dat}] -s TARGETS -a AVOID
                          [-r {bondi,umn}] [-l] [-t TEMPERATURE] [-f] [-w0 W0]
                          [-v] [-o output destination]
                          input files [input files ...]

calculate Boltzmann-weighted Sterimol parameters - see doi 10.1021/acscatal.8b04043

positional arguments:
  input files           file containing coordinates and energy

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -if {log,out,dat}, --input-format {log,out,dat}
                        file format of input
  -s TARGETS, --substituent-atom TARGETS
                        substituent atom
                        1-indexed position of the starting position of the
                        substituent of which you are calculating sterimol
  -a AVOID, --attached-to AVOID
                        non-substituent atom
                        1-indexed position of the starting position of the atom
                        connected to the substituent of which you are calculating
                        sterimol parameters
  -r {bondi,umn}, --radii {bondi,umn}
                        VDW radii to use in calculation
                        umn: main group vdw radii from J. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113, 19, 5806–5812
                            (DOI: 10.1021/jp8111556)
                            transition metals are crystal radii from Batsanov, S.S. Van der Waals
                            Radii of Elements. Inorganic Materials 37, 871–885 (2001).
                            (DOI: 10.1023/A:1011625728803)
                        bondi: radii from J. Phys. Chem. 1964, 68, 3, 441–451 (DOI: 10.1021/j100785a001)
                        Default: bondi
  -l, --old-l           approximate FORTRAN Sterimol method for determining L
                        This is 0.4 + the ideal bond length for a target-H bond
                        to outer VDW radii of atoms projected onto L-axis
                        Default: L value is from VDW radii of target atom to outer
                        VDW radii of atoms projected onto L-axis
                        temperature in K
                        Default: 298.15
  -f, --frequency       input files are frequency job output files
                        additional average values will be calculated for ZPE, H, G, etc.
  -w0 W0, --frequency-cutoff W0
                        cutoff frequency for quasi free energy corrections (1/cm)
                        Default: 100 cm^-1
  -v, --verbose         also print population
  -o output destination, --output output destination
                        output destination
                        Default: stdout