Job Submission Templates#

Job templates can be used when submitting a job to a queue with an AaronTools utility such as the command line script. Due to the uniqueness of each cluster, no job templates are included in the AaronTools installation - users must create their own.

There are several text patterns that are replaced by the corresponding resource or attribute requested by the job:

  • {{ processors }} - number of processors allocated to the job.

  • {{ memory }} - memory allocated to the job in gigabytes. Note that you might need to allocate more memory for the job than for the QM program, as QM software packages often use the specified memory only to limit their storage of large arrays (e.g. overlap integrals, wavefunction info). Other data might push their memory usage past the specified amount.

  • {{ name }} - name of the job.

  • {{ walltime }} - wall time allocated to the job in hours.

AaronTools can submit jobs to LSF, Slurm, PBS, and SGE queues. You should specify what queuing software you are using by setting the QUEUE_TYPE environment variable to LSF, Slurm, PBS, or SGE.

The default templates used for Gaussian, ORCA, Psi4, and Q-Chem jobs are $AARONLIB/Gaussian_template.txt, $AARONLIB/ORCA_template.txt, $AARONLIB/Psi4_template.txt, and $AARONLIB/QChem_template.txt respectively. There is currently no default template location for other programs.


Every cluster will be slightly different. Pay close attention to where your scratch space should be, and how to make the Gaussian, Psi4, etc. executable available. If you are uncertain of how your queuing system is set up, check whether your cluster administrators (or can help build) a submission script for these programs. If so, we recommend using that as the starting point and modifying it with just the double curly braces outlined above.


Below is an example template for running Gaussian on a PBS queuing system.

#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -N {{ name }}
#PBS -q wheeler_q
#PBS -l epilogue=/usr/local/lab/sewlab/cleanup
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn={{ processors }}
#PBS -l walltime={{ walltime }}:00:00
#PBS -l mem={{ memory }}gb

module purge

module load gaussian
mkdir -p $SCRATCH
cp $PBS_O_WORKDIR/{{ name }}.com .
g16 {{ name }}.com $PBS_O_WORKDIR/{{ name }}.log
rm -rf $SCRATCH


Example of template for running ORCA on Slurm:

#SBATCH --job-name={{ name }}
#SBATCH --partition wheeler_p
#SBATCH --ntasks={{ processors }}
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --time={{ walltime }}:00:00
#SBATCH --mem={{ memory }}gb

module purge

module load ORCA
export orcaroot=`which orca`
mkdir -p $SCRATCH
cp $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/{{ name }}.inp .
$orcaroot {{ name }}.inp > $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/{{ name }}.out
if [ -e *.hess ]; then
    for hessfile in *.hess; do
        cp $hessfile $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR
rm -rf $SCRATCH