Intro to Command Line Scripts#


Here, you will find tutorials and generalizations for AaronTools’ various command line scripts. For many of the scripts covered here, some options might not be described. To see the full list of options for a script, run it with just the –help flag (e.g. –help).

File Input/Output#

Reading a file#

To get a command line script to read a file, it can be as simple as passing the path to the file to the script: benzene.log

If the file can an unconventional extension, you can pass the format to the -if flag: benzene.gout -if log

Many of our scripts also support reading the structure from standard input (e.g. pipes (|), here documents (<<)). The input is assumed to be in XYZ format, but -if can be used to specify other formats. This can be used to avoid writing intermediate files. -s H=F | xyz -c 6 7 0.3

Writing Geometry to a File#

Many of our scripts accept the -o flag to specify the destination of the output. If no -o flag is specified, the script’s normal output will be printed to the standard output.

The command can be used to convert any AaronTools-readable file (.xyz, Gaussian .log file, Gaussian .com file, ORCA .out file) into an XYZ file: benzene.log

C     -4.20339   -0.06691   -0.00131
C     -4.19394   -1.46592   -0.00065
C     -2.99654    0.64078   -0.00092
C     -1.78023   -0.05054    0.00013
C     -1.77078   -1.44955    0.00079
C     -2.97763   -2.15724    0.00040
H     -2.97032   -3.23955    0.00091
H     -0.82981   -1.98437    0.00161
H     -5.12759   -2.01341   -0.00096
H     -5.14436    0.46792   -0.00213
H     -0.84658    0.49695    0.00044
H     -3.00385    1.72310   -0.00143

Finding Atoms#

Atoms can be specified by index (1-indexed) or by element. For example, to turn a benzene molecule into perfluorobenzene, we can substitute all hydrogens with fluorines: -s H=F

The script can be helpful for locating atoms using a variety of descriptions. These descriptions include the element, how many bonds the atom has, and what atoms are bonded to a specific atom.

Structure Modification#

Changing Substituents#

In this example, we will be building 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) from benzene and the substituents in the AaronTools Library. Here is the benzene structure we are starting with:


C         -4.20339       -0.06691       -0.00131
C         -4.19394       -1.46592       -0.00065
C         -2.99654        0.64078       -0.00092
C         -1.78023       -0.05054        0.00013
C         -1.77078       -1.44955        0.00079
C         -2.97763       -2.15724        0.00040
H         -2.97032       -3.23955        0.00091
H         -0.82981       -1.98437        0.00161
H         -5.12759       -2.01341       -0.00096
H         -5.14436        0.46792       -0.00213
H         -0.84658        0.49695        0.00044
H         -3.00385        1.72310       -0.00143

For reference, here is how the atoms are ordered:

We can get to by running AaronTools’ script twice. First, let’s turn our benzene into toluene by changing atom 7 into a methyl group: -s 7=Me -o

Our benzene structure is in “Me” is the name of the methyl substituent in the AaronTools library. The resulting structure will be saved to

Now, we can change some hydrogens into nitro groups. Because of the nature of our first substitution, all of the remaining hydrogens on the ring still have the same numbering. Therefore, our ortho and para positions are 8, 9, and 12. We can run the script again to turn these into nitro groups: -s 8,9,12=NO2 -o

We’re using the that we created in the previous step. “NO2” is the name of the nitro substituent in the AaronTools library. We are writing this to a file named

We could combine these two steps into one by simply specifying both substitution instructions: -s 7=Me -s 8,9,12=NO2 -o

It’s worth noting that the script can accept IUPAC names of substituents. This makes it easy to use substituents that are not in the AaronTools library. Simply prefix the name with iupac:: --minimize -s 7=iupac:cinnamyl -s 8,9,12=iupac:butyl -o

This does require an internet connection to fetch structures from the OPSIN web API. SMILES for a radical can also be used, if prefixed with smiles:.

Running Jobs#

Creating Input Files#

Now that we’ve modified benzene to get TNT, we ought to minimize our TNT structure before we analyze it. can help us set up the input file. We’ll be optimizing the structure and compute frequencies at the B3LYP/def2-SVP level of theory with Psi4. To make the input file for the optimization job, run: -o -opt -freq -m b3lyp -b def2-svp
  • -opt or --optimize specifies an optimization job

  • -freq or --frequencies specifies a normal vibrational mode calculation

  • -m or --method specifies the method/DFT functional

  • -b or --basis specifies the basis set

  • -mem or --memory specifies the allocated memory in GB

  • -p or --processors specifies the allocated number of CPU cores

The Psi4 input file is written to ‘’. Because the ‘.in’ extension was used, it’s assumed that we want the file in Psi4 format. Gaussian format is assumed when ‘.com’ is used, and ORCA is assumed when ‘.inp’ is used. The contents of ‘’ are:

memory 12 GB
basis {
    assign    def2-svp

molecule {
0 1
C     -4.20339   -0.06691   -0.00131
C     -4.19394   -1.46592   -0.00065
C     -2.99654    0.64078   -0.00092
C     -1.78023   -0.05054    0.00013
C     -1.77078   -1.44955    0.00079
C     -2.97763   -2.15724    0.00040
C     -2.96723   -3.69720    0.00113
N     -0.44931   -2.20063    0.00194
N     -5.50513   -2.23480   -0.00109
H     -5.14436    0.46792   -0.00213
H     -0.84658    0.49695    0.00044
N     -3.00681    2.16075   -0.00164
H     -2.23552   -4.07163   -0.74575
H     -3.97618   -4.08316   -0.25664
H     -2.68230   -4.07382    1.00630
O      0.58497   -1.53501    0.00259
O     -0.49200   -3.42985    0.00216
O     -5.44583   -3.46333   -0.00240
O     -6.54832   -1.58322   -0.00010
O     -4.10039    2.72366   -0.00139
O     -1.92093    2.73838   -0.00242

nrg = optimize('b3lyp')
nrg = frequencies('b3lyp')

Submitting to the Queue#

If we’re logged on to a computing cluster, we can submit this optimization job to the queue with We’ll need to have a template job file that’s compatible with the queuing software (e.g. SGE, PBS, Slurm). All clusters are different, and may have different ways to load a module (e.g. module load gaussian vs. module load g16). Below is a template file for a Psi4 computation running on a PBS cluster:

#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -N {{ name }}
#PBS -q wheeler_q
#PBS -l epilogue=/usr/local/lab/sewlab/cleanup
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn={{ processors }}
#PBS -l walltime={{ walltime }}:00:00
#PBS -l mem={{ memory }}gb

module purge

# load the psi4 module, adding psi4 to our path
module load PSI4
# create a scratch area for this job
mkdir -p $SCRATCH
# move our input file to the scratch area and run the job
cp $PBS_O_WORKDIR/{{ name }}.in .
psi4 {{ name }}.in $PBS_O_WORKDIR/{{ name }}.dat
rm -rf $SCRATCH

the values surrounded by double curly brackets will be replaced by

  • {{ name }} - job name, will be determined by the name of the input file

  • {{ walltime }} - allowed wall time in hours

  • {{ processors }} - allocated cpu cores

  • {{ memory }} - allocated memory in gigabytes

If this file is placed in the Aaron_libs directory (defaults to “Aaron_libs” in your home area, but can be overwritten by setting the AARONLIB environment variable), in a file named Psi4_template.txt, it will automatically be used by Similarly, Gaussian and ORCA default job templates can be put at Aaron_libs/Gaussian_template.txt and Aaron_libs/ORCA_template.txt, respectively.

A different default template, along with default processors, memory, and wall time may be specified in your configuration file.

To submit this job to the queue, we can run: -p 6 -m 12

where -p and -m are the allocated CPU cores and memory, respectively. This will create and submit a job file named ‘tnt.job’:

#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -N tnt
#PBS -q wheeler_q
#PBS -l epilogue=/usr/local/lab/sewlab/cleanup
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=6
#PBS -l walltime=12:00:00
#PBS -l mem=12gb

module purge

# load the psi4 module, adding psi4 to our path
module load PSI4
# create a scratch area for this job
mkdir -p $SCRATCH
# move our input file to the scratch area and run the job
psi4 $PBS_O_WORKDIR/tnt.dat
rm -rf $SCRATCH

Our job should be queued:

qstat -u $USER

                                                                                Req'd       Req'd       Elap
Job ID                  Username    Queue    Jobname          SessID  NDS   TSK   Memory      Time    S   Time
----------------------- ----------- -------- ---------------- ------ ----- ------ --------- --------- - ---------
3409256.sapelo2         ajs99778    wheeler_ tnt              196715     1      6      12gb  12:00:00 Q       --

Analyzing Output#

Now that we are running jobs with AaronTools, we will look at processing the output.

Grabbing Thermochemical Corrections#

AaronTools can calculate several thermochemical corrections from the output of a frequency job: zero-point energy (or H 0K), rigid-rotor/harmonic oscillator (RRHO) enthalpy, RRHO free energy, quasi-RRHO free energy, and quasi-harmonic free energy. AaronTools will recalculate each of these, even if they are printed in the output file, to maintain consistency with the constants that AaronTools uses. The command line script can be used to print thermochemistry: tnt.dat

At the time of writing, Psi4 does not compute IR intensities for DFT methods. However, if we used Gaussian, ORCA, or Q-Chem to perform this computations, we could generate an IR spectra from the output using the script: tnt.log