usage: [-h]
                    [-if {xyz,log,com,gjf,sd,sdf,mol,mol2,out,dat,fchk,crest,xtb,sqmout,47,31,qout}]
                    [-t atoms] [-f atoms] [-ct targets] [-v x y z]
                    [-d DISTANCE] [-dest x y z] [-com | -cent] [-o OUTFILE]
                    [input file [input file ...]]

move atoms along a vector

positional arguments:
  input file            a coordinate file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -if {xyz,log,com,gjf,sd,sdf,mol,mol2,out,dat,fchk,crest,xtb,sqmout,47,31,qout}, --input-format {xyz,log,com,gjf,sd,sdf,mol,mol2,out,dat,fchk,crest,xtb,sqmout,47,31,qout}
                        file format of input - xyz is assumed if input is stdin
  -ct targets, --center-targets targets
                        target atoms for -com or -cent arguments
                        comma (,) and/or hyphen (-) separated list
                        hyphens denote a range of atoms
                        commas separate individual atoms or ranges
                        default: whole structure
  -d DISTANCE, --distance DISTANCE
                        distance translated - only applies to --vector/-v
  -o OUTFILE, --output OUTFILE
                        output destination
                        $INFILE will be replaced with the name of the input file
                        Default: stdout

atoms to move:
  -t atoms, --targets atoms
                        move atoms with specified indices
                        Default: whole structure
  -f atoms, --fragment atoms
                        move fragments containing specified atoms
                        Default: whole structure

translation mode (default: move centroid to origin):
  -v x y z, --vector x y z
                        translate in direction of this vector
                        vector is normalized when --distance/-d is used
  -dest x y z, --destination x y z
                        translate fragment to a point

center (default: centroid):
  -com, --center-of-mass
                        translate the center of mass of the targets to the destination
  -cent, --centroid     translate the centroid of the targets to the destination